All are available privately for your group!
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Connecting the Cores: Optimizing Pediatric Foot Position to Increase Core Activity
Do you see children with strength deficits that have a negative effect on their functional ability?
This course explains why core strength is necessary, and describes why core weakness is so prevalent in children. The weakening effect of commercial positioning toys, the negatives of baby walkers, and the consequences of Back to Sleep are examined/illustrated.
Poor/inadequate/incorrect lower extremity alignment may be contributing to their weakness/further complicating their physical performance. Participants will learn how to improve alignment and maximize the relationship between the distal and proximal bases of support, by using kinesiology tape and shoe modifications.
This course stands alone (pun intended!), but also further complements the stability information addressed in Liesa's Toe Walking course!
(This course is similar to the "A Belly ‘n’ a Butt: Pediatric Core Strengthening" course Liesa taught for Therapeutic Services in March of 2020).
Check out Liesa's
VIDEOS FOR caregivers!
Nolaro24 Guest Speaker Webinar Series
A selection of 45-60 mins on hot topics!
Flat Feet...In-Toe...Baby Walkers...Containers...
Prone Positioning...Orthotics or Not??
Toe Walking:Therapeutic Evaluation & Treatment
This course teaches practitioners to assess toe walking through a holistic view of the child, including biomechanics & sensory processing, to develop a systematic approach to devise an effective treatment plan. This course will change how you think about & treat toe walking! This information is applicable to therapists in school-based, clinical, home, and hospital settings. "KNOWTOCHANGE20" SAVES you $20!
The best place to start!
Toe Walking:In-Depth Clinical Applications
Recommended to complete "Evaluation & Treatment"
Clinicians will expand upon what was previously learned to identify an etiology-based problem list, choose suitable, appropriate, and feasible interventions and develop a relevant plan of care specific to the problems of each individual child.
Participants must attend Therapeutic Evaluation & Treatment first.
Treatment of Motor Issues in Children with Sensory Dysfunction
A practical “Sensory-Aware” approach to treat children with both underlying gross motor & sensory dysfunction. You will learn to utilize sensory-aware skills that are based in functional strengthening & coordination activities to maximize the effectiveness of your treatments. You will leave this course with the ability to improve children’s postural control, foundational weakness, instability, incoordination, motor planning, & restricted mobility by utilizing sensory knowledge to improve functional outcomes & increase participation in school and at home. "KNOWTOCHANGE20" SAVES you $20!
Can be taken on its own or as a great follow up to the Toe Walking courses!
Therapeutic Evaluation & Treatment of Pediatric Gait
This course clearly explains the significant components of evaluation and treatment of pediatric gait, in a clinically relevant manner. Flaws of a “wait and see” approach will be discussed, while supporting proactive and preventive intervention with proposed methods for deliberate, realistic and effective intervention for pediatric gait. The increased prevalence of developmental delay will be considered, with proposed etiologies, assessment of pre-gait skill performance, related orthopedic consequences and the future effects of this diagnosis on postural control and ambulation. Neuroplasticity, and the opportunities it provides for therapists, is explained. Orthopedic development is presented as it concerns appropriate development of an adequate base of support and assessment of the pediatric lower quarter. In summary, participants will leave with skills and treatment tools to immediately put into practice.
Why Fuss Over A Pediatric Flat Foot?
This course describes how pediatric foot & gait development is worsening due to the influences of a modern lifestyle. Specifically, it addresses why pediatric flat foot is never “asymptomatic”, and its negative effects on gait and postural control. The differences between growing pains and pain related to biomechanical etiologies are explained, including scientific evidence that supports the use of orthoses. In addition, the significance of ossification is identified, and the relationship between foot position & core recruitment is presented in a clinically relevant manner.